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Glenmore Park High School

Glenmore Park High School

Exceptional learning opportunities for all

Telephone02 4733 0155


Excursions and INCURSIONS

When excursions or incursions are organised, students are issued with an information letter and permission note to be taken home to parents/caregivers.


All permission notes and money for excursions and sport must be returned by the closing date, usually two weeks before the scheduled date for the excursion, and will be collected through the office during the opening hours. Receipts will be issued.




  • If an excursion/incursion is not adequately supported by the closing date for payments, then the excursion is cancelled.
  • No late applications or payments for excursions/incursions will be accepted where the excursion has been adequately supported by the closing date

These actions are necessary to ensure that service providers, venues and transport can be firmly booked and reward students who are organised and so able to meet deadlines.






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