Glenmore Park High School

Exceptional learning opportunities for all

Telephone02 4733 0155


      Students reading to each other.



Welcome to your Library at Glenmore Park High School  

The Library collection of books include Non-Fiction, Fiction, Graphic Novels, Picture Books, Senior Collection,  Teacher Reference, Journals, Vertical Files and DVD's.


The Library has a wide range of Books available for loan.  Students are allowed to borrow 2 fiction books and 2 non-fiction books.  Senior students are also allowed to borrow 2 books from the Senior collection.  All students are allowed to borrow an unlimited number of Text books.


The Premier's Reading Challenge:  The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to encourage students from Years 7 to 9 to read for leisure and to read widely. There is substantial evidence to support the idea that students who read for leisure often achieve higher scores in external literacy tests than those who don't.  We would like to invite parents to support us in encouraging Year 7 in their new endeavour.  Also any student in Years 8, 9 and 10  who would like to participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge should speak to Ms. Dengate or Ms Goderie in the library. For more information visit: Premier's Reading Challenge


Our Staff

Mr Jason Darlington Teacher Librarian
Ms Jillian Fearnly  Library Officer (M/T and T-F)
Mrs Michelle Daly  Library Officer (Wed)
Mrs Sophie Burnitt Website (Thur)
Mrs Erica Druhan  Teacher Student Targeted Support (M-W)
Mrs Sam Muller SLSO



Monday: 8:15am - 3:15pm

Tuesday: 8:15am - 3:15pm

Wednesday: 8:15am - 3:15pm

Thursday: 8:30am - 2:15pm  Note: Closed before school.

Friday: 8:15am - 3:15pm Note: Closed during recess.