Glenmore Park High School has an extensive vocational educational program. Our school forms part of the Penrith network of schools that deliver VET courses across our district.
These courses are delivered during a 4 hour session on either a Monday or a Wednesday afternoon.
Other participating schools include:
Jamison High School
Cambridge Park High School
Nepean High School
Cranebrook High School
Kingswood High School
Blaxland High School
The vocational education courses offered in our district include:
Business Services
Manufacturing and Engineering
Primary Industries
Information Technology
At present, almost 70 of our senior students undertake a vocational education course. These courses give our students access to the Australian Qualification Framework and TAFE accreditation.
At present, our school offers Entertainment, Manufacturing & Engineering (cert I) and Hospitality. We have students from other network schools attending our school for these courses and we send students to other network schools if they want to access the other courses.
In addition, students are able to access TAFE delivered courses such as Child Care Studies, Nursing Studies, Hair Dressing and Beautician Services. These courses require that students attend an actual TAFE campus.
Many students are able to access traineeships through their part-time employment. These traineeships mean that this work can count towards the completion of their Higher School Certificate. Traineeships are sometimes run through McDonald's, Woolworths, Toyota and Coles.