Glenmore Park High School

Exceptional learning opportunities for all

Telephone02 4733 0155

P&C News

The P&C committee meets the third Monday of the Month (except School and Public Holidays) in the school office 630pm and we love seeing new faces!  We enjoy brainstorming ideas on how to further improve our school for everyone. New members are always welcome and we encourage you to attend when you can – a little bit of time really does go a long way.  Be prepared to have a laugh and share ideas.  The only thing you need to bring is your positive attitude and .... $2 to join the P&C (it's a legal thing, just go with it!)


All welcome!

President Anthony Boros
Vice President Dianne Darlington
Secretary Nicole Andrews
Treasurer Jeanette Cullen
Fund Raising Committee Kara Mayers